Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Job Profile Oxfam Novib

RSDO Training & Consultancyis pleased to share withyou its Training Calendar for 2014!
A number of new training programs have been included in the plan for this year.
Two points you need to note for this calendar year;
1: You can avail a dicsount of 25% on training fee if you consider registeringat least 45 days before the deadline for each training (through our early bird registration offer).
2: You can also make a requestto provide trainer for inhouse training at your office on any of the topics included in the Calendar Year 2014.
You canbook a training for your staff now without making any delay as the registration in advance will allow you to avail a grand discount of as much as 25%! The offer is valid 
for the group registration on behalf of organization as well as the registration in individual capacity. 
Please feel free to explore the links given in Annual Calendar for detailed information.
All the brochures of training will be made available on our websitein due course of time.
Also please dont forget to give a touch to our Online Training Needs Surveyfor your future needs; RSDO will feelhappy to coveryour needs in its onwards training plans.  
Thanking you and looking forward to listening from you soon.
Best Regards,
Muhammad Naeem Akhtar
Training Associate
Training & Consultancy
RSDO Office
Next to Al Shifa Hostel. Prince Road,
Linked to Main Simly Dam Road, Bharakau
Ph: +92 51-2512082 Mob: +92 345-5078907 
Skype ID: services.rsdo