Thursday, 20 March 2014

Google Map Aerial view of part of Mohenjo-daro

An aerial view of part of Mohenjo-daro, the largest ancient Indus site. From the top left are the DK (Dikshit), VS (Vats) and HR Areas, at the bottom is the Stupa Mound. Google Maps offers a wonderful way to explore this enormous area at,68.1365031,2613m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x39350a713719d55f:0x72b723adb98b8c6b

Priest-King figure found at Mohenjo-daro

A visualization of the so-called Priest-King figure found at Mohenjo-daro using possible colors and elements from the archaeological record applied to a replica (courtesy J.M. Kenoyer