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World Bank Call for Papers – 2014 Land and Poverty Conferenceby ILC Asia
See: 2014 Land and Poverty Conference: Call for Papers
DEADLINES: Abstract submission - 10 November 2013 (for group submissions);
17 November 2013 (for individual submissions)
Call for Papers
Every year the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty brings together representatives from governments, civil society, academia, the development community, and the private sector to discuss issues of concern to communities, land practitioners and policymakers worldwide. The conference aims to foster dialogue and the sharing of best practices on the diversity of reforms, approaches and experiences that are being implemented in the land sector around the world (see the 2013 conference website for more details and the papers presented last year).
Under the theme of “Land Governance in the Post-2015 Agenda: Harnessing Synergies for Implementation and Monitoring Impact”, the 2014 conference will focus on building a shared understanding of best practices in land governance. By providing an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between diverse experts in land governance, the conference aims to put stakeholders at the country level in a position to address this key development issue. Papers are invited for presentations at the conference in seven thematic areas:
* Securing and protecting land rights from a gender perspective
* Managing urban landscapes
* Attracting responsible land-based investment for local benefits and common resource management
* Maximizing benefits from spatial data
* Strengthening country level institutions
* Fostering transparency in land ownership, use, and administration
* Research on key aspects of land governance
Authors interested in presenting at the conference are requested to submit an initial 800 to 1,500 word abstract. The final paper should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words. Submission of an abstract implies the author’s willingness to review up to four other abstracts. A technical committee will decide on paper acceptance based on the following criteria:
* Innovative nature and policy relevance
* Contribution to the literature and body of knowledge in general
* Quality of methodology and analytical rigor
* Links to capacity building
Authors will have the choice to submit an abstract individually or create a group proposal. Please follow the instructions for submission via the online form on the 2014 conference website. To submit an individual abstract, go to ‘Abstract for Review’. To submit a group proposal, go to ‘Group Proposal for Review’. Authors also have the option to indicate whether they are willing to present the paper as a poster at the conference if it is not accepted for inclusion in the sessions. The deadline for group proposal submission is November 10, 2013. The deadline for individual abstract submission is November 17, 2013. The outcome of the selection process will be communicated by December 15, 2013. Individuals whose papers have selected to present will be required to submit the final version of their paper with a 200 word summary by February 28, 2014. The Land Conference team will create a conference program that best reflects the overall conference
theme and will communicate submission information to authors of selected abstracts.
If your participation is conditional on obtaining funding, please indicate this on the abstract submission form under ‘Funding’. Upon request, the conference organizers will be able to provide a letter of attestation to presenters in an effort to allow them to seek funding from other sources. Final selection of presenters requiring financial support to participate in the conference will be conditional on secured funding obtained by January 15, 2014. While a limited number of travel grants may be available to enable presenters from developing countries to participate in the conference, please note that there is no guarantee of funding becoming available. Beginning this year, a conference fee to cover part of the cost of logistics and meals will be charged. If you would like to request a waiver of the registration fee, please indicate this on the abstract submission form under 'Funding'.
ILC Asia | September 27, 2013 at 12:19 pm | Tags: Call for papers, Land and Poverty Conference, Post 2015, World Bank | Categories: Events, Opportunities, Publications | URL: