23rd December, 2013
Pakistan Urban Pediatric Eye Care Programme 2011-2015
Ref ______________________
To, ______________________
Dear Sir / Madam
This is to introduce the LRBT‘s free School Based Eye Care Services for School students. This programme is operating since last 15 years and is now an activity of public knowledge.
Till date we have screened around 0.30 million school children for eye diseases. Around 15% of these students were identified to have significant eye problems and were referred to our hospital. A large number of these referred students reported to our hospital and were either treated or operated for advance eye problems.
These school based activities goes a long way to contribute to a better eye health of school children and prevention of possible eye health problems in student population. The components of this programme are health education, screening of all students, on the spot treatment if possible and referral of those with advance eye care needs. Referred students if present at our Korangi Hospital are entertained on priority basis.
We prefer to register schools willing to participate in this programe in advance. This helps us to schedule our activities effectively. The only thing the schools have to do is to arrange about an hour’s session of the willing teaching staff to be addressed by our community eye care staff. This will be followed training of minimum 2 teachers maximum 4 teachers in vision screening. Trained teachers will them screen all the students in school and report to our team about those who need to be examined by our refractionist / optometrist. On an average our staff can manage to screen and educate about 100 to 150 students on each visit. This task is greatly facilitated if the school concerned manages to attach one or two volunteer and motivated staff to help our team.
You are requested to please write a brief note to us in order to benefit from service.
Please note that all our services are absolutely free with no obligation to the schools.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. MahwashA.Khan
Head of community dept
L.R.B.T Free Base Eye Hospital,
Korangi 2 ½,
The Headmaster/Headmistress, Date: / /20
Subject: Nomination of two school teachers as coordinator for LRBT’s school based Eye care project
Dear Sir/Madam,
We at LRBT are now in fifteenth year of planning and executing activities aimed at addressing the eye care needs of school children. We feel that effectiveness of delivery of our services can be greatly enhanced if every school happens to have two teachers identified for the purpose of coordination with our staff/hospital.
It will be highly appreciated if you could forward names of two teachers of your school for this purpose to us.
We are also interested in training of such teachers in primary eye care if you wish so. Please note that all our services are absolutely free with no obligation on part of the schools.
We will await your response in this context.
Please feel free to ask more about our activities.
Your sincerely,
Dr. MahwashA.Khan
Head of community
LRBT Base Eye Hospital
Korangi No, 2 1/2
The Consultant Community Ophthalmologist
Sub: Provision of free eye care services for school children
I have learned about L.R.B.T Programme for providing free eye care services for the school children. I hereby request you to please enlist our school also for the provision of the same service.
Date: __________.
Your sincerely,
Principal / Head
Mr. Noor Ali
Social Organizer
LRBT Free Eye Hospital
Sector No. 41-B, Street No. 2,
Korangi No. 2,1/2 Karachi
C:+92 345 3402811
C:+92 315 8679602
P:+92 21 35065556-7 Ext. 202
E: community@lrbt.org.pk
W: www.lrbt.org.pk