Saturday, 9 November 2013

Training Workshops Announced for November, 2013

RSDO is pleased to announce the following training workshops for the month of November, 2013 in Islamabad.
The scheduled training workshops are suitable for the staff of not-for-profit organizations, mid-career development professionals, senior/ junior staff of NGOs/INGOs, UN Agencies and the staff of corporate sector organizations working in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Hurry up for the registration as we have limited seats available for the training.

Note: The registration form for the training is attached for your convenience while the detailed brochure is available upon request.  
Thanking you and looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Naeem Akhtar
Training Associate

Training & Consultancy
RSDO Office
Next to Al Shifa Hostel. Prince Road,
Linked to Main Simly Dam Road, Bharakau
Ph: +92 51-2512082 Mob: +92 345-5078907
Skype ID: services.rsdo
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