Wednesday, 20 November 2013

NISE - YOUTH HOSTEL QASIMABAD for Students and Professionals

A National Training Institute has established YOUTH HOSTELS for
Professionals and Students (Boys and Girls separately) in the hub of
Qasimabad. A few seats are available which will be provided on first come
first serve basis. The hostel is ready to start and all the facilities are
available including food, proper supervision, electricity, water, study and
learning environment. Youth Hostel Policies are developed to provide a good
learning environment.

All the interested professionals/youth and parents are advised to contact
the hostel administration on the following email/ phone.

For Girls Hostel: 022-2653097, 022-2102677 (9-5 pm daily)
For Boys Hostel: 0300-3099550, 0333-2135605


Brocuher is attached.
