Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Training Workshop on Art of Social Mobilization

HRLC announces Fivedays training workshop on Art of Social Mobilization to be held from 12-16 October 2013 at Hyderabad.
The brochure of the workshop is attached. To register, please fill the attached registration form and return along with the training fee through cheque in favor of HRLC. For any queries and information about fee discounts, please contact the undersigned.

Hira Amjad
Training and Capacity BuildingAssociate

Head Office
Human Resource Learning Centre (HRLC)
House 665, Street 75, I-8/3, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ph:+92-(0)51-4900485-6  Cell: +92-(0)322-9403507
Email:adeel@hrlc.org.pk    Web: www.hrlc.org.pk

Human Resource Learning Centre aims at improving productivity and performance of individuals, public and private organizations through specialized support and customized solutions.
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